The Chivilcoy Church ministry team meets to go over scheduling and ministry responsabilities in preparation for our absence during annual Mission administrative meetings, the GMSA International Missionary Conference (held in southern Chile January 24-31), and vacation.

GMSA missionaries, appointees and board members gathered for seven days of Bible conference, seminars, business meetings, fellowship and fun in beautiful southern Chile. Dr. David Burgraff of Clearwater Christian College in Florida was our guest speaker.

A little exercise makes sitting long hours more tolerable!!

Missionaries are seen fighting for the fire at the traditional hot dog and marshmellow roast!

Kati follows in the footsteps of many previous mk´s, sharing her testimony and future plans with our Missionary family. Lord willing she´ll be attending Northland Baptist Bible College in the fall of this year.

GMSA MK´s were ministered to by short term workers Jared Park, James Parker, Teresa Thompson (GMSA MK ), and Julie Method. They did a fantastic job with our kids! Apart from being ministered God´s Word, our youth enjoyed activities that included kayaking, swiming, riding zip lines, playing mafia, etc.
GMSA Argentine Field Missionaries. Back Row: Stephan Rivoire (Buenos Aires), Tim Goossen (GualeguaychĂș, E.R.), Tom Gibbons (Chivilcoy, B.A.), Colby Holmes (Ezeiza, B.A.). Front Row: Lois Kenney (Chivilcoy, B.A.), Marianne Rivoire (Buenos Aires), Cristina Goossen (GualeguaychĂș, E.R.), Debbie Gibbons (Chivilcoy, B.A.), Lesa Holmes (Ezeiza, B.A.), Lois McAllister (Chivilcoy, B.A.). On furlough: Harold and Priscilla Goossen, our Bible Institute Director (TĂ©mperley, B.A.).
January 2007
Gospel Mission of South America Missionary Family - January 2007

After conference we journeyed north to Santiago, Chile where we spent three days with colleagues, then crossed back into Argentina and travelled two and half hours east to a small resort area called "Potrero de los Funes." We spent five nights and four days on vacation nestled amongst mountains near a lake. We slept a lot, played lots of "Rook", swam and ate too much!!

Ten days after arriving home our nine Argentine churches held their annual family and youth camp. Over a hundred youth and families met Febrary 19 through 23. Missionaries Tim Goossen and Colby Holmes brought messages on the subjects, "Can Christians Have Fun?" (Tim), and "The Preeminence of Christ" (Colby). In the above picture Kati is playing the accordian and Colby Holmes the guitar (foreground).