June - July - August 2007
Debbie leads a June Baby Shower

Baby showers have provided an opportunity to encourage young mothers, draw the ladies together, teach Biblical principles related to child raising, and invite unsaved relatives. As displyed in the pictures, it also provides a time for fun!

Short Term Missionaries Visit Argentina
Brother and Sister team, Esther and Drew visited Argentina as short term missionaries for three weeks in July. They were able to spend several days with four missionary families. They left behind an excellent testimony, and deserve your prayers regarding their future.
Drew shares his testimony in church in Chivilcoy while Tom interprets.

Esther shares her testimony while Debbie interprets.

Happy Birthday Kristi!!!
On August 11 Kristi turned 14 years old. Since Kati and Debbie were leaving on July 30 for the States, we celebrated a little early!

Youth Ministries
The church here has been blessed with a youth group of 14 to 16 kids. We´re constantly grateful for the ministry of Martin and Sandra Gorosito and Pablo and Marcela DeGodos with the youth, which includes Saturday nighte youth group, individual discipleship studies, as well as a variety of other events throughout the year.

Kati enjoys a sleepover with girls from the youth group.

MK´s in Ministry
Kati, Andy, Kristi all have been active in music in church. Kristi plays both the organ and the piano, and Andy plays guitar. Below Kati plays the organ. Andy and Kati take their turn working in the nursery.
Saying Good-bye
We are thankful for the opportunity Kati and Andy have had to work in the bakery of a couple from church. The picture below was a going away party they had for Kati.

One last family picture before our nest begins to shrink!

Kati, Carol Thompson, and Debbie at the Fort Lauderdale - Hollywood International Airport enroute to Maine from Florida after an overnight flight from Buenos Aires to Miami.