Driver´s Ed!!! One of the fringe benefits of living away from metropolitan Buenos Aires (14 million people) is the opportunity it affords for the kids to learn to drive in a more calm setting. If you´ve visited us you understand what we mean! Andy, at 17 is gaining experience behind the wheel. Lord willing, in the fall of next year he will be attending Northland Baptist Bible College.

As a family we often spend part of our Monday working on projects at camp and kicking back a little. It´s a great opportunity to use the new fire pit! The fact that we roasted hot dogs is a good indication that we had no Argentine visitors!! Hot dogs would be out!

Our kids are always gracious about taking the most flattering pictures possible of us!

September 21st. marked the first day of spring in Argentina. Traditionally youth all over the country celebrate an unofficial holiday from school and spend the day in parks and recreational areas drinking mate and playing sports. This year the 21st. fell on a Sunday! Our youth met after church for pizza and fellowship (below).

(Andy and Kristi play the guitar)
Another baby shower. In the last few years we´ve had a bumper crop of babies!! Marcela DeGodos, wife of one of our youth leaders, was surprised by the ladies of the church recently. Pray for Marcela, who has been prescribed bed rest by her doctor until her baby is born by caesarean in November.

Ladies prepare to storm Marcela´s house with a surprise baby shower. Marcela opening gifts.
October 4- 7 we enjoyed the visit of GMSA General Director, Terry Thompson and his wife Carol. Pray for Terry and Carol as the visit missionaries in Argentina, Uruguay and Chile until the end of the month.

Debbie, Carol Thompson and Lois Kenney sing special music at church in Chivilcoy.

Terry Thompson preaching in Sunday School and Church.
Be sure and take a minute to visit the link to right to see progress at the camp site.