Thank you to the many who prayed for us, received us in their homes, fed us delicious meals and shared fellowship with us during our recent trip west. By God's grace we arrived home safely on September 22nd. after driving 4,500 miles and flying 4800 miles. We visited friends, family and churches in Ohio, Indiana, Wisconsin, Washington, Oregon, Arizona and Michigan. During this time we left Andy and Kati in the mid-west for Bible college.
Debbie's brother in Indianapolis bought her dad's used car so we offered to take it to them, saving them a trip to Maine and giving Andy the opportunity to fulfill practice requirements in order to get his Maine State Driver's license! We traveled in caravan, Debbie and Andy in the car and Tom and the rest in the van! Praise the Lord for His help and protection between Maine and Indiana.

On our journey west (Maine-Ohio-Indiana-Wisconsin-Indiana) we appreciated the many service areas with their friendly attention, clean facilities and delicious coffee! We're accustomed to something a little different in Argentina!!!

While visiting friends and supporters in Ohio we enjoyed the picturesque scenery and were privileged to stay two days in the lovely cottage pictured below!

Our next stop was Fishers, Indiana, just outside of Indianapolis, where Debbie's brother Matt and family live. Matt, Kathy and their four kids graciously let us use their home for a coming and going point as we traveled north to Wisconsin the west to Washington. We left our van in their driveway when we flew to the west coast.

On August 25th. we flew from Indianapolis to Seattle Washington to visit family, friends and numerous churches. We made many memories, some of them shared in pictures below.
We were entertained by para -surfers (I think that's the right term), and boy did they skim fast across the water!!

The Snohomish River flows into Puget Sound with Mt. Baker and the Cascade Mountains in the background.

(Above) Departing for meeting at Nehalem Valley Bible Church in Vernonia, Oregon.
One of the highlights for Kristi and Danny was a trip with Grandpa Gibbons to a Mariner's game at Safeco Field in Seattle.

We enjoyed seeing many friends, some we hadn't seen for many years. Paul & Debbie (below) were introduced to each other by Debbie (Gibbons) several years ago and tied the knot in February. What a joy to spend a weekend with them.

Another great highlight was spending time with Tom's family. That included a supper at "Bucca Di Beppo", and Italian Restaurant in Seattle.

Above left to right: Tom's sister in law Claire and brother Gary, Tom, Debbie and Kristi.
Below left to right: Kristi, Danny, Tom's niece Jamie and Husband Eric, Tom's brother Gary, Grandpa Gibbons, Tom's niece Michelle, Debbie and Tom.

Our travels in Puget Sound were made easier by the Washington State Ferry System. This saves literally hours of driving time!

The next leg of our journey took us from Seattle to Flagstaff, Arizona! Tom's Dad joined us at this point for the rest of our trip back to Maine. Below a beautiful picture of Mt. Rainier taken by Kristi when we took off from Seattle.

I'm not certain everyone was as thrilled to ride this plain (below) from Phoenix to Flaggstaff as Tom was!!
While in Flagstaff Uncle Ray and Aunt Carol took us on a day trip to beautiful Sedona, 35 miles down the mountain from Flagstaff. Flagstaff is at an elevation of nearly 7,000 feet.

Below: "The family nose". Tom's cousin did the sculpture which is on display at Northern Arizona University.

Below, Grandpa Gibbons standing next to historic Route 66.

On September 16th. we continued our journey and returned to Indianapolis where we spent a day with Debbie's brother and family, then continued on to norther Wisconsin to visit Andy and Kati at Northland Baptist Bible College.

On September 16th. we continued our journey and returned to Indianapolis where we spent a day with Debbie's brother and family, then continued on to norther Wisconsin to visit Andy and Kati at Northland Baptist Bible College.

Below, Lake Michigan on the upper peninsula.