West Hampden Baptist Church Building Team
April 16-26 we hosted a group of 14 people from West Hampden Baptist Church to come and work on the camp projectn. Seven teenage girls and three of the ladies worked tirelessly painting, staining and doing yard work, while Grammie Corinne (her first time back since Bud's home going, and fifth time to Argentina) stayed at the house and worked with Debbie in getting meals and keeping everyone stocked with treats! The three men worked long hours on the new fence project, ultimately concreting in 66 six foot, 200 lb., steel reinforced concrete fence posts at a distance of every ten feet. More pictures will soon be uploaded to Argentine Camp Project page (bottom right).

Men's Retreat - Paysandu, Uruguay
Tom had the privilege of speaking at a men's retreat April 29-May 1. By the third day there were nearly forty men in attendance, nineteen from several of the fellowship churches in Argentina. Tom gave an exposition of Philemon that revolved around forgiveness. The other speaker, Stephan Rivoire (GMSA Associate missionary from Buenos Aires) gave messages on soul winning.
Short Termer Morgan M. Returns to the U.S.A.
Morgan has been a part of our family since January 31st., participating in a study abroad program through her Bible College while helping in the ministry here in Chivilcoy. She will be sorely missed by us, our youth and rest of the folks at church.