February 17-21 Vacation Bible School"Voyages at Sea"
Some of the teachers and helpers |
Participants in Recent Teacher Training Classes
A Going Away Luncheon
Our Colleagues, Harold & Priscilla, have served with GMSA for over 40 years! Though still uncertain, they may retire at the end of their one year furlough. We're grateful for their example of faithfulness.
Finish Work and Painting Our New Auditorium
God is Good!
Abril 18-21 Easter Evangelistic Meetings
Our Deacon, MartĂn leads the opening meeting. |
Debbie and two ladies from church sin special music Sunday night. |
The church choir sang three times under Debbie's direction! |
The Sunday night meeting. |
Gustavo, Director of our Fellowship's Bible Institute preached four times. |
Saturday night men's fellowship supper |
Monday afternoon lady's fellowship evangelistic tea. |