On July 19th. and 20th. the entire Philbrick/Gibbons family was together in Maine for the first time in 10 years. The 29 family members included mom & dad Philbrick; us and our four kids; Dave, Lena and their three kids (one more due next month) on furlough from Spain; Mark, Tammy and their eight boys visiting from Penna.; Matt, Kathy and their four from Indiana.
All nineteen (soon to be 20) grandchildren are pictured below.
The only granddaughters!!! (Kristi & Kati - back right). With 12 "Philbrick" grandsons, the family name is thought to be eternal.
No home was large enough for everyone to sit down for supper Sunday night so the church basement provided a comfortable place to be together for pizza after church!
Below: Debbie with sisters in law Lena (Spain), Tammy (Penna) and Kathy (Indiana)
One of the few sunny days in the month of July was the 20th!!! God was especially gracious to provide such a beautiful day to be together at the home of mom and dad Philbrick.
The "older" generation challenged the kids to a game of volleyball. If the kids thought they had the cat in the bag, guess again. Though winded and spent up, the wheezing old geezers won!!!
On the evening of the 20th. around 45 or 50 including immediate family and a few long time friends gathered to honor our two graduates from high school: our niece Silvia (mk from Spain) and our son Andy.
below: Kati, Danny, Silvia & Nathan (niece and nephew from Spain), Kristi and Andy sing a special number in English and Spanish.

Andy and Lena play while Debbie's brother Dave sings to his daughter Silvia.
below left to right: Mark & Tammy, Matt & Kathy, Mom & Dad, Dave & Lena, Tom & Debbie
"Isn't it, just, just - wonderful?????"
Grammie & Grampie