For the second consecutive year our youth practiced a drama and hosted a supper for the church family and assorted visitors. With the help of youth leaders, Martin and Sandra, they prepared a drama that gave a clear Gospel presentation. Later the group of around 65 gathered in our multi-purpose room for supper and fellowship! Different ones from church generously provided the ingredients for "canelones" and prepared flan for dessert. No admission was charged, but a free will love offering was taken up to help our youth attend winter Bible camp. The generous offering paid for over half the cost of camp for each camper!! Six of our youth participated in the July 16 through 20 camp with young people from other fellowship churches.
An event like this is not just about raising money for kids attend camp. It provides a valuable ministry opportunity for many: our youth leaders, who for the first time organized and directed the preparations from begining to end; our youth, who participated either in the drama or in serving tables and helping with preparations; our church family, some donating ingredients, some preparing dessert and most giving to the offering (some probably a little of everything!!!).
Pray for camp to have a lasting impact for Christ in our youth, but also pray that the process involved in getting them there will do the same in our entire church family!