Tuesday, January 31, 2012

2011 Happenings...among others!

Pre-marital classes with J & S.

In preparation for the wedding Debbie, Tom and two youth painted the auditorium.  The girls chose the colors!!!

Two very capable ladies from church were in charge of decorating the auditorium.

Our humble chapel prepaired for its first wedding!
The bride is given away by her father
Prayer of dedication
Kristi turns 18 with friend Ana present from the USA

We were once again grateful for dear friends Lu and Bev and their investment of hard work at camp
November building teams advanced the work at camp!  A total of 18 people from three States participated during the month of November!
Visitors enjoyed a nigh out eating supper at the homes of believers from our church.

They also enjoyed a meal out at a local all you can eat beef buffet!!

Sunday School opening

Youth enjoy a soccer game at camp