Forty women from Uruguay and five from Argentina attended the annual retreat.

Co-workers, Lois Kenney (far left) and Lois McAllister (far right) attended, along with two ladies from Church. Debbie was speaker.

Missionaries to Chivilcoy, Argentina "As my father hath sent me, even so send I you." John 20:21
Danny enjoys seeing again!! Glasses have made home schooling a pleasure!
Can you pick Kati and Andy out of the crowd?? Both work afternoons at a local bakery owned and operated by a couple from our church.
An estimated 200 people from eight of our nine churches gathered for a day of fellowship at a park outside of greater Buenos Aires. For most of the believers, who live in heavily populated areas, a day in the country is a welcome attraction! For the fourteen of us who traveled in from Chivilcoy it´s an opportunity to renew friendships and make new friends.
Gibbons family update
Kati - turned 17 on March 8th and is in her senior year. She plans to attend Northland Baptist Bible College in Wisconsin in the fall of 2007. In Sunday School Kati co-teaches 6 to 8 eyar olds with Marcela De Godos. God has given her music talent that she uses in a variety of ways. She plays guitar, accordion, piano and organ in church and teaches piano to Danny and Kristi. She continues to study piano as well with a teacher from the local conservatory. Four weekday afternoons and Saturday mornings Kati works behind the counter at a local bakery.
(Kati with her Sunday School co-worker and class & playing piano in church)
Andy - turned 15 on April 17 and just started his sophomore year. He´s presently burried in geometry, and I´m sure both he and his mom would appreciate your prayers!! Andy loves sports: soccer, volleybal, ping-pong, and virtually any other sport he has the opportunity to play! He enjoys playing his guitar in church, and also studies piano with a teacher from the local conservatory. Andy works for 2 to 3 hours every day but Sunday at the same local bakery. His work is out back where the bread is made. (Kati playing accordion and Andy, far right, playing guitar. Andy celebrates his 15th. birthday.)
Kristi - is 12 and in the 7th. grade. She and Andy are our quiet ones! Kristi enjoys baking and makes some mean desserts! She also studies piano, and hopefully will begin playing in church before too long. Kristi is wrapping up her first year attending youth group, and has now been to two youth camps! March 26th. marked an important day in Kristi´s life as she followed the Lord in Believer´s Baptism. (Kristi is baptized by her dad! Busy baking!)
Danny - will be 11 in May and is in the 6th. grade. Our baby is growing up!! Danny (like the other three) loves to read, and really enjoys playing table games (Rook, Skip-bo, and you name it!). Danny is another up and coming piano player and likes having his big sister as his piano teacher! March 26th. also marked a mile stone in Danny´s spiritual life, as he followed Christ in Believer´s Baptism. Probably Danny´s favorite summer pass time is swimming! (Danny after a dip in the lake during conference in souther Chile & being baptized by dad.)