Serving in Argentina with Gospel Mission of South America since 1991
Recent Events

Sister Church - Temperley Bible Center -celebrates. A group from Chivilcoy made the two hour trek to attend the 30 year (plus) anniversary and inauguracion of the new facilities in a thanksgiving service held on March 26th. Some 150 people participated in the event. What a blessing to hear of God´s faithfulness through three decades of ministry and see the fruit of God´s generous provision. The Temperley Bible Center was the first church planted by GMSA missionaries in Argentina.

The new auditorium seats 100 people and was filled to capacity with many standing in the aisles and up back. Participants included National pastors, missionaries and believers from most of the Argentine Bible Center churches.
May 1 Labor Day pic -nic
An estimated 200 people from eight of our nine churches gathered for a day of fellowship at a park outside of greater Buenos Aires. For most of the believers, who live in heavily populated areas, a day in the country is a welcome attraction! For the fourteen of us who traveled in from Chivilcoy it´s an opportunity to renew friendships and make new friends.

Missionaries, Lois and Loida, along with two believers from our ministry in Chivilcoy share a time of fellowship drinking "mate" together. Mate is consumed in Argentina like coffee in the Sates. The herb is put in a a gourd, sugar are added, hot water is poured over the tope, and you sip it through a steel straw with a mesh filter on the bottom.

Debbie enoys a time of fellowship with missionary wife, Lesa, believer, Rosa, and a National pastor´s wife, Gabriela. Living a couple of hours away from the rest of our churches make these events extra special.

What ´s a picnic without food?!!? Obviously it was quite a cool fall day (it´s fall south of the ecuator), but the cold south wind didn´t hamper anyone´s appetite!

A pic nic without a soccer ball is like a hot fudge sundae without the hot fudge!!! Andy and friend Santiago kick the soccer ball around with Joanna.

A time of singing praises and hearing a message from God´s Word are a special highlight during the day.