Grampa Philbrick trims Danny´s hair!
Tuesday, July 25th. 22 ladies gathered for a special "evangelistic tea." Debbie´s mom, Joanne Philbrick shared from God´s Word.
Sandra Gorosito shared her testimony and Carol Thompson, in Chivilcoy for a few days with her husband Terry, shared a testimony as well.
National Pastors and GMSA missionaries gathered on Saturday for a time of teaching, prayer and fellowship. Bob Philbrick, pastor and GMSA U.S. Board member shared from God´s Word.
Architect, Juan Carlos Otero, and builder, Roberto Quiroga hold up the finished plans for the future Chivilcoy Bible Center facility. Both men are members of Bible Center Churches in Greater Buenos Aires. Mr. Otero has designedbuildings for our churches as a ministry for many years.