Kati (piano) and Kristi (organ) getting ready for church.

"Fifth Sunday Fellowships"
Last year we implemented a "fifth Sunday fellowship service". Each month that has a fifth Sunday we set it aside for testimonies, favorites and a social. It´s been an encouragement to see the church family participate and hear how God is working in each life.

Some of the youth singing choruses new years eve at the camp project site in Chivilcoy.

Family camp was held for our 11 churches January 5 - 9. Around 140 were in attendance. The Gibbons campsite is seen below.

On the road again!

(above - our green van) January 19 traveling through the Andean foothills in Patagonia Argentina en route to southern Chile for the annual international GMSA Missionary conference.

(above, below) After the Andean crossing into Chile the road literally ended at a lake. Where the road ends there´s boat service 19 miles to the other end of the lake.

Andy gives his testimony at conference sharing with the missionary family about his plans to attend Northland Baptist Bible College in Wisconsin this fall.

Lake Calafquen with Mt. Villarica in the background. Notice the smoke coming from the crater! The Mission camp where conference is held is on the shores of this lake.

Missionaries enjoy a ride on the lake with many spectacular views.

Our conferences are working conferences, but there´s always some time for recreation.
(Above) - a game of volleyball, (below) a game of Rook.

The GMSA missionary family - January 2009

Fellowship - a coveted part of conference each year.

General Director, Terry Thompson enjoys a few minutes of fellowship with former General Director George Black (above). Below, Uncle George (as we know him), a church planter in northern Chile, shares his life testimony. He´s 101 years old and may very well be the oldest active fulltime missionary!!!

Our family. Missed and missing Kati (below)

Our return voyage with the Chamberlands. Waiting for the boat back to Argentina.

Below - work underway on the first phase of our church building plan. It will include a multi-purpose room, kitchen and two bathrooms.